We’re Ready to Help Those in Need
Did you know OLG Helotes has a Society of St. Vincent de Paul of Helotes conference nearby that is ready to provide essential support to individuals in our community? If you or someone you know is struggling due to a medical reason, lost job, personal setback, or financial crisis and can’t make ends meet, please get in touch with us for help. We offer person-to-person services to our neighbors through our supplemental food and utility programs. We also address long-term needs through home visits and referrals to other vital community, city, state-funded, and seasonal resources.
We’re here for anyone who needs food. Our food pantry has staple food items such as meat, cereal, rice, canned fruits and vegetables, bread, and many other vital food items we share with our neighbors in need for free. You can call or visit our food pantry for more information and assistance. We’re
here to offer comfort and support grounded in our principles of love, respect, and compassion.
We are located at 14690 Bandera Road (next to the Helotes Lions Club). Our service hours are Mondays, Thursdays, and Fridays from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m., Wednesdays and Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. We are closed on Sundays and Tuesdays. For more information, call 21-695-5683 or visit our website at www.svdphelotes.org.