Serving Our Neighbors in Need
Helping individuals and families in need in Helotes and Northwest San Antonio for more than 30 years.
Society of St. Vincent de Paul
Our Lady of Guadalupe Helotes Conference
For more than 30 years, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, Our Lady of Guadalupe Helotes Conference, has been helping our neighbors in need who reside within our parish boundaries in Helotes and Northwest San Antonio, Texas. Our services provide help and hope to more than 3,800 people who are struggling or experiencing a temporary hardship in their lives. From food assistance to emergency utility assistance and connections to other community resources, we are neighbors, inspired by Gospel values, growing in holiness, and building a more just world through friendship, faith, and service to our neighbors in need.

Sharing Our Blessings of Time, Talent, and Treasure with Those Who Need Help and Hope
We are men and women of every age, race, and income level who share our blessings of time, talent, and treasure with those who need our help and hope, regardless of their religion, age, or background. No work of charity is foreign to the Society. Join our mission and grow in spirituality, friendship, and service.
Our Services
Community Impact
October 1, 2022 – September 30, 2023
Neighbors in Need Served
Volunteer Hours Served
Pounds of Food Distributed
Value of Food Distributed
Emergency Utility Assistance Provided
“Let us do without hesitation whatever good lies at our hands.”
– Frédéric Ozanam, Founder of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul
Your donation to SVDP OLG Helotes will bring hope and help to our neighbors in need. Without you, our work would not be possible. Learn more about ways to give.